✨Rhomboid ✨
The Rhomboid is a deep muscle with a cervical and thoracic portion located under the cervical trapezius. The Rhomboids action is to move the scapula up and forward, when the limb is flexed it also elevates the neck. An overdeveloped rhomboid muscle feels like a washboard on the upper portion of the neck.
The Rhomboid comes off the nuchal ligament above the 2nd cervical vertebra and extends all the way down to the 2nd thoracic vertebra. It inserts into the carilage of the scapula
The Rhomboid comes off the nuchal ligament above the 2nd cervical vertebra and extends all the way down to the 2nd thoracic vertebra. It inserts into the cartilage of the scapula
💥Related Movement Problems💥
Tightness in this muscle will result in a loss of range of motion in the neck and shoulder, and loss of power causing shortness in stride. Spasms in this muscle will always cause spasms through the shoulder due to loss of flexibility and compensation. Other signs may be difficulty picking and/or changing leads, reaction to girthing, soreness in neck and withers.
Poor saddle fit may cause the rhomboid to become over developed due to under developed or atrophied trapezius and latissimus doris muscles. Since the insertion point of the rhomboid is the scapula, if it is tight and over developed it will put more pressure on the scapula.
